New Year - The Cross and Lent: A Journey of Renewal
The dawn of a new year often brings a sense of hope, fresh beginnings, and renewed commitment. It also serves as a poignant reminder of the journey that leads to the cross—a journey that calls for reflection, repentance, and realignment with God's will.
The cross, at the heart of our faith, is both a symbol of suffering and a beacon of redemption. As we step into the new year, it stands as a reminder that our hope is not anchored in fleeting resolutions but in the eternal promises of Christ. The Apostle Paul encourages us in Philippians 3:13-14: “Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.”
This sense of forward momentum finds its deepest meaning as we approach Lent, the sacred season of preparation for Easter. Lent invites us to pause amid the rush of life, to reflect on the state of our hearts, and to journey with Christ through the wilderness of self-denial and prayer. It is a call to let go of the old and embrace the new—to die to self so that we might live fully in Him.
The intertwining of the new year and Lent serves as a dual call to spiritual renewal. While the world emphasizes external change—fitness goals, financial planning, career milestones—the cross beckons us to focus inward, on the transformation of our hearts.
As the year unfolds, let the cross guide us in setting resolutions that reflect eternal priorities. May our ambitions be tempered with humility, our successes offered in gratitude, and our struggles borne with faith. And as we approach Lent, may we remember that true renewal comes not from our striving but from surrendering to the One who makes all things new.
This year, let us walk the path of the cross, bearing its weight with joy and hope, knowing that the journey leads to resurrection and life abundant.
Wishing all the readers a Happy New Year!
With Prayers,
Rev. Manoj Idiculla.